Tuesday, February 10, 2009


The basis for this post actually came directly from a brief discussion in class today. A classmate raised his hand and asked, "I don't really understand what Twitter is." Although the 'super app' had been brought up in consecutive classes, some of us had missed the boat...including myself. I have never engaged in 'tweeting' and I have never 'followed' anything.
I then came across a great article titled, "Twitter in Plain English," from InternetMarketing.com. Not only does it explain some of the benefits of the service, there is also a video (below) embedded that walks the viewer through how to connect with other users, companies, etc. Personally, I still don't see myself using Twitter, but I have since come to realize the value that can be provided in the B2B realm. It does seem like a great way to collect 'research' or data as well as marketing directly to those who are already interested (hopefully they are following). But like I said, I don't see myself tweeting anytime soon, Facebook seems to handle me social media needs just fine.

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