Sunday, February 8, 2009

happy birthday fb!

Just a couple of days ago Facebook celebrated its fifth birthday, a seemingly short period of time given the fact that the social media platform has become synonymous with everyday life for so many people. Although I must admit I don't use Facebook as much as some people, it is still plays a crucial role in my social well being. In particular, the Facebook Chat application has revolutionized the way in which I interact with my peers. It instantaneously met my messanging needs, and as a result I have logged into MSN Messenger no more than 10 times in the past 3 months (astonishing given my past behaviour!). PC World took the birthday of Facebook to identify '5 Reasons We Love Facebook,' which can be found here. I agree with all of the aspects they have listed, but I give the most credit to Facebook for Reason #2. The interface they have developed is second to none, intuitive, and extremely consistant. I truly believe their interface drives the quality of social media experience Facebook is able to facilitate.

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